Journal structure
Set your overall goals.
Choose 1 key goal you’d like to achieve by the end of 8 weeks in each of our key pillars.
Set weekly intentions.
Set yourself actionable, measurable objectives for the week ahead that will support your overall goal.
Complete daily journal entry
Fill in a daily journal entry, keeping you accountable to the challenge, and moving forwards one day at a time.
Reflect on your weekly intentions.
Look back on your intentions for the week, how do you feel about how you did in meeting them?
Track your overall goals.
Reflect on your overall goals, do you feel like you are making progress towards them?
Set new weekly intentions.
Learn from the week just passed, and set yourself new goals for the week ahead.
Reflect on your overall challenge
After 8 weeks of daily journalling, and weekly reflections, how do you feel
We’re offering a limited edition of just 1,000 Beyond Challenge Journals, so make sure to secure yours before they sell out!
The Beyond Journal Challenge is an intentionally reset programme created by Meggan Grubb. It helps you set long-term goals and track your progress across movement, nutrition, and mindset, with daily and weekly reflections to keep you accountable.
To take part in the Beyond challenge, follow these simple steps:
1. Purchase the Beyond Journal and App Membership: If you're not already a member, you can get a FREE journal with a one-year subscription.
2. Download the App: Access the app to follow the 8-week workout program.
3. Complete Your Challenge Journal: Use your journal throughout the 8 weeks to track your progress.
4. Enter the Prize Draw: Follow the instructions in your challenge journal at the end of the 8 weeks to be entered into our prize draw.
Absolutely, our standard challenge experience is still available in the app, with the 8 week program available for you to join and follow, however only users who purchase and complete their journal will be eligible to win the cash prize.